Area Agencies on Aging provide services established and funded through the federal Older Americans Act. Some services are designed for the care of frail or disabled elders. Others are intended to keep relatively healthy people strong and active.
As we age, new challenges appear. The time comes when we have to think about not driving, and we'll need a social network so we don't become isolated. We might begin to need some help with everyday activities like bathing, shopping, vacuuming, or cooking.

Alzheimer's Support Group-Mountain Top
Caregivers have an opportunity to meet with other caregivers as well as a trained facilitator at the Vesta Community Center in Vesta, Virginia. Call SAAA (276) 632-6442 or toll free (800) 468-4571 or Sally Smith (276) 698-2901 for more information.

Southern Area Agency on Aging provides services that promote independence and well being for older adults. The Agency on Aging is also an information center for older adults and care giving family members.

Give A Gift
The mission of SAAA is to provide services that promote independence and quality of life for older adults. Give a gift that makes a difference in the quality of life for our seniors.